6 Ratu Paling Sadis dan Kejam Sepanjang Sejarah, Racuni Suami Sampai Tega Habisi Putrinya Sendiri

6 Ratu Paling Sadis dan Kejam Sepanjang Sejarah, Racuni Suami Sampai Tega Habisi Putrinya Sendiri

SERAMBINEWS.COM - Wanita sering dianggap sebagai lambang cinta, pengorbanan dan kebaikan.

Namun tidak bagi para ratu ini.

Mereka justru menjadi sosok kejam tak berperasaan dan tak berperikemanusiaan.

Sejarah mencatat, 6 ratu ini sempat berkuasa dan melakukan banyak hal keji dan mengerikan.

Siapa saja mereka? Berikut yang berhasil dilansir Grid.ID dari Boldsky dan Shugal serta Wikipedia.

1. Ratu Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I

Jangan salah sangka saat mendengar namanya.

Ratu Elizabeth I dari Inggris ini memang dikenal sebagai penguasa yang dikenang banyak orang.

Namun ternyata, ia sangat kejam.

Sang ratu pernah memerintahkan pembunuhan terhadap banyak umat Katolik di Inggris dan Irlandia.

Ia juga pernah terlibat perdagangan budak dan mengurung Ratu Mary dari Skotlandia selama 19 

tahun sebelum membunuhnya.

2. Ratu Mary I

Queen Mary I: The Bloody Mary

Masa kekuasaan saudari tiri Ratu Elizabeth I dari Inggris ini hanya sesaat.

Namun ia dikenal karena kekejamannya terhadap umat Kristen Protestan.

Saat kepemimpinannya pada tahun 1553 sampai 1558, sang ratu memerintahkan pembunuhan 

terhadap 300 umat Kristen Protestan.

Belum cukup, ia juga memerintahkan mereka dibakar di tiang hukuman.

3. Elizabeth Bathory

Elizabeth Bathory

Ia memang bukan seorang ratu, namun Elizabeth adalah seorang bangsawan ternama asal Hungaria.

Elizabeth memiliki gelar Countess Elizabeth Bathory de Ecsed alias The Blood Countess.

Selama tahun 1585 sampai 1609, ia dan 4 suruhannya dituduh menyiksa dan membunuh ratusan  

gadis muda.

How to become an instant entrepreneur The 5 Parts of innovation: 1) Understand: The ability to study and understand people of different likes, needs, characteristics, and demographics is priceless in marketing and innovation. Most companies don't understand that to make better products and services, you absolutely have to care about the person using it. This is known as having empathy for the consumer. It is imperative to have a genuine interest in the needs of those you are serving for innovation to exist. 2) Observe: Many entrepreneurs started by observing either themselves or someone else struggling over a process or task. Scott Cook, founder of Intuit, for example, observed his wife one night tediously paying the bills manually and wondered if there was a way he might be able to "quicken" the process. Since then, Quicken is still driving hundreds of millions of dollars for the company. The best innovators are those that experience first hand and are able to recognize trends and consumer needs immediately as they happen. This requires a keen sense of observation. As you observe people in their natural environments, it is important to ask the "why" question. For example, instead of accepting that one in five motorcyclists will eventually have an accident, ask the question "why?" Doing so will allow you to better understand and find the flaws in things you would not otherwise see. You can't ask the motorcyclist why, you have to be able to figure it out by using your intuition. Start by keeping a "bug list" throughout the day. Every time you notice something that bugs your or someone around you, write it down. At the end of the day, when you're relaxed and feeling inventive, think up the many things that could be done to get rid of these bugs. 3) Visualize: Your visualization potential is determined by your ability to see the end result without allowing your limitations to get in the way. In visualization, the devil's advocate is the enemy. The "vibrating cell phone" was invented by IDEO, who noticed that their employees became increasingly annoyed by people's cell phones going off during meetings. It didn't take long for them to realize that this was happening in corporate meetings around the world. They understood and had empathy for who they were addressing, the emotional value was there, and they visualized their end result- a meeting without the annoying interruptions of everyone's cell phones going off while discussing important matters. They tried putting a red flashing light on the antennae, a giant button that could be pressed immediately to forward the person to a "please hold" message while the person exited the meeting and many other concepts before they finally came up with the vibrating cell phone. 4) Evaluate and Refine: It is critical that after an idea has been generated, and the concept has been thought through using visualization, it must be evaluated for and refined. This involves a concept known as prototyping. You don't truly know whether or not something will work until a "mock-up" has been created. At this point, another brainstorming session is usually required in order to evaluate and refine the prototype. 5) Implement: Implementation is the action taken to the idea. It is the mass production. It requires a shear determination and willingness to do to whatever it takes to take it to the public. Often, funding is required to make this happen. This is when your strength of character, perseverance, and willpower is often tested, as is the validity of your product. You know that it works, and while You may know that it will help many people, you just have to be able to convey it and convince those that have the resources to make it happen. Never lose sight of the fact, however, that you have what 99.9% of people do not- the ability to master innovation. Such qualities are highly sought after and valued by corporations and investors, so it is important to not get frustrated and have absolute perseverance in your quest for implementation. Vision Media Corporation, business coaching & consulting services [http://www.vizmarketing.com/coaching-and-consulting-i-15.html] provides services for marketing strategy development and implementation, campaign development, business marketing on the web to ensure the success of our clients. To know more details about our services please visit our site- [http://www.vizmarketing.com/] Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Amit_Kothiyaal/58805

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