Beginilah Isi Kabah di Masjidil Haram

TRIBUNKALTIM.CO - Ka'bah bagi umat muslim merupakan lokasi tempat yang ingin dikunjungi.

Karena ka'bah sebagai kiblat bagi umat Islam untuk menunaikan ibadah salat.

Bila ada yang mampu mendatangi ka'bah menunaikan ibadah umroh atau haji tentu menjadi impian yang menjadi kenyataan.

Apalagi bila kita bisa melihat ke dalam ka'bah. Tentu sangat beruntung bagi umat muslim. 

Bicara mengenai apa yang berada di dalam ka'bah, tentu tidak semua orang bisa masuk ke dalamnya. 

Seperti di kabarkan oleh Saudi Press Agency melalui, bahwa Khadimul Haramain al-Syarifain Raja Salman bin Abdul Aziz melakukan pencucian dinding Ka'bah dari dalam. 

Sekaligus menyaksikan proyek perluasan Masjidil Haram di Makkah, Minggu (31/5/2015).

Dikabarkan bahwa kunjungannya ke Masjidil Haram di Makkah al-Mukarramah didampingi oleh Putra Mahkota, Wakil Perdana Menteri sekaligus Menteri Dalam Negeri Pangeran Muhammad bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, Gubernur Makkah Pangeran Khalid Al-Faishal bin Abdul Aziz, Gebernur Jeddah Pangeran Mishaal bin Majid bin Abdulaziz, Pengeran Faishal bin Muhammad bin Saad bin Abdurrahman, dan sejumlah pangeran Saudi lainnya.

Dihadiri pula oleh Ketua Umum Pengurus Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi Syaikh Dr. Abdurrahman bin Abdul Aziz As-Sudais, dan wakilnya Syaikh Mohammed bin Nasher Al-Khozim. (Lihat juga: Bukan Sulap Tapi Inilah Trik Berjalan di "Atas Air" )

Selama kunjungan Raja Salman mengelilingi sekitar Ka'bah, salat dua rakaat dan mencium Hajar Aswad.

Raja Salman juga mendengarkan penjelasan tahap tiga dari proyek perluasan Masjidil Haram dari Insinyur Bakar bin Laden. 

"Raja Abdullah telah mewasiatkan kepada saya terkait proyek di Mekkah," ujar Raja Salman dalam kunjungannya tersebut.

Kemudian sang Raja meminta Pangeran Khalid Al Faisal, Gubernur Makkah untuk mempercepat dan menjadikannya sebagai prioritas pembangunan proyek.

Kunjungan tersebut merupakan kunjugan pertama Raja Salman sebagai Penjaga Dua Masjid Suci, sejak menjabat pada 23 Januari lalu. (Saudi Press Agency/
Too bad that career general insurance agencies hire campus recruiters to deceptively persuade students to enter insurance sales jobs. The recruiters scouting the college campus are ignorant of the reality that awaits people they lure in. The general insurance agencies managers carry the blame and the hefty profits. Find out more. College campuses are the biggest moneymakers that career general insurance agencies could have nearby. The agency goes out of its way to target students soon to become college graduates. This is where the use of insurance campus recruiters comes into effect. The career life agency hires in a few Ken and Barbie looking people with no insurance experience background to be their campus recruiters. These are people that can memorize a canned script and make it sound oh so real, truthful, and enticing. Plus since they themselves never know how hard insurance sales jobs really are, they are unable to distinguish between truth and fantasy. Insurance campus recruiters are also hired on the basis on how well they can smile and sell prospective agents on the extremely exceptional benefits only their general insurance agencies can provide. The campus recruiter attends every campus recruiting day, job fair, business expo, they can find. The general insurance agencies also sponsor lavish recruiting events. The goal is to make career insurance sales jobs appear far superior to any offer by any other company in the area could offer. Lies and deceit are the 2 main ways to fight off their competitors' guaranteed benefits and incomes. Since bonuses figure into recruiting, the insurance company campus recruiters start stretching the truth as far as they need. The term "life insurance agent sales job" quickly turns into "fast advancing financial planner". As far as initial income, the career agency is able to pay an income subsidy of say $3,000 monthly. This is almost presented as a short term base salary without little or no mention of production requirements. At an interview appointment, Ken or Barbie pumps hefty doses of sweet visions though the student's mind until the sweet aroma of money is tickling the nostrils. Once the student is mesmerized enough, the campus insurance recruiter goes in for the kill. Where else can the student lock in a position, and pass the state insurance licensed before graduating? QUESTIONABLE PRACTICES: Why did the college campus recruiter usually have 100% authority to hire the student to become an agent?. Why was the prospect's financial history not looked into before hiring? Are there any study loans to pay off?. Can the student feel comfortable to sell financial wealthy business people? How does the campus recruiter even know if the prospect can actually sell? THE RESULTS. 70% of campus recruited agents are working elsewhere after only 12 months. This zooms to 84% at 18 months, and crashes at 90% around the fourth year mark. THE ONLY WINNER, and a big time winner at that are the career life general insurance agencies and company headquarters. When an agent leaves, usually due to not making enough money, the hawks swoop in. Automatically all remainder first learn premiums plus all future renewal payments are locked into the insurance company hands. Just for a dose of injustice, take the profits off one agent and multiply it by 50. So what if the insurance campus recruiters did not do well for the agents hired in... the insurance agency is thrilled if the agent writes enough policies before moving on. Well published author, Don Yerke likes to concentrate on what you don't know or what no one else dares to print. Tell it like it is. Watch for his new paperback book debuting on Amazon early this summer. It is loaded with great insurance marketing and recruiting information. Come and get your FREE "Think and Grow Rich" Ebook by Napoleon Hill instantly. The website address is [] Article Source: Article Source:

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