Makan Sate dan Teh Tawar, Pemudik Ini Kaget Setengah Mati Ditagih Rp 400 Ribu

Makan Sate dan Teh Tawar, Pemudik Ini Kaget Setengah Mati Ditagih Rp 400 Ribu

TRIBUNLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Tiga orang pemudik ini kaget bukan kepalang saat disodori nota pembelian saat makan di warung makan.

Karena lapar tak tertahan, mereka terpaksa  berhenti di warung tersebut dan memesan sejumlah makanan.

Menu utamanya sate 3 porsi ditambah sop kambing 3 porsi termasuk minuman yang masih dianggap biasa-biasa saja.

Usia menikmati makanan 'pembunuh' lapar, tiga pemudik ini hampir saja 'mati' karena kaget.

Penyebabnya tak lain dan tak bukan, saat menerima nota tertulis angka Rp 400 ribu.

Jadi satu porsi sate dihargai Rp 70 ribu dan semangkok sop kambing Rp 50 ribu yang masing-masing dikalikan tiga.

Sejumlah warung makan di sekitar rumah makan yang dikabarkan 'memukul' konsumen dengan harga mencekik kini dikabarkan sepi pembeli.

Bukan hanya rumah makan yang menghargai makanan dengan harga selangit saja yang kini tidak dikunjungi oleh konsumen, bahkan warung di sekitarnya pun sepi pembeli.

Warga sekitar Kecamatan Petarukan mengungkapkan itu kepada

Seperti diketahui warung tersebut berada di sebuah desa yang dilintasi jalan raya Jakarta-Surabaya di Kecamatan Petarukan, Kabupaten Pemalang, Jawa Tengah.

With VoIP becoming the preferred method of transmitting streaming conversations during a phone call, it is essential that a network be properly configured for optimum audio quality. VoIP provides flexibility and versatility as well as lower operating costs, however if the conversation isn't clear or at all understandable then the benefits to VoIP are lost. Prioritizing voice traffic on a network is critical to quality audio during phone calls. The network will simply try to resend data during times of network congestion when transferring or sending data. Data is usually very forgiving and will pick up where it left off when the bottleneck clears. In the case of a voice conversation, this particular strategy results in garbled conversation because of latency, delay, and jitter. The voice data packets must be reassembled on the receiving end in the order in which they were transmitted. Since data is sent over multiple channels by choosing the best route based on current network traffic, it is essential that the data packets be reassembled on the receiving end in a specific order and that they are not subject to the time delays seen during times of heavy network congestion. This is accomplished through network prioritization. All voice traffic is given priority on the network through the use of QOS. This configuration acts in much the same way as a police officer directing traffic in a busy city. When the amount of data comes close to or exceeds the available bandwidth on a network, QOS will stop all data traffic while allowing voice traffic to continue on. In this way, you're telling your network data packets that are designated as voice packets are always given priority for routing. Before introducing VoIP technology into your network, it is essential that a network assessment be completed prior to implementation. Depending on the expected call volume and the current level of utilization on the network, it might be necessary to add additional bandwidth to accommodate voice traffic. Depending on the average number of calls per day, you could see a significant demand on network bandwidth. If the amount of bandwidth is inadequate, voice quality will suffer with garbled audio and poor performance. Although inadequate bandwidth is a common problem with VoIP audio quality, there are other factors in the network that can affect the quality of a VoIP call. Some networks simply have too many hops or transfers from router to router. Each of these hops can create delay because each router has to read the packet to determine its destination and then route to the next point in the route. Obviously, the greater the number of times that this occurs the greater the delay the packet will experience before reaching its destination. Whenever possible, VoIP traffic should be routed in as direct a line as possible with a minimal number of hops. This can be accomplished by designating a VLAN or virtual local area network exclusively for VoIP traffic. The VLAN can be configured to route voice data in a more direct line than the rest of the data being transmitted on the network. An additional consideration is the codec used for audio compression. Generally, the standard for voice signal compression is a codec of G.729. This is the most widely used codec to maintain as much audio quality as possible while minimizing the amount of bandwidth needed. Another codec commonly used is G.711. Since this codec has a higher rate of sampling the audio quality is equivalent to that which you would hear for a standard analog signal. However, this particular codec requires a great deal of bandwidth and some networks simply cannot afford the bandwidth required. Another consideration is connectivity to the phone system itself. Another advantage to VoIP technology is the elimination of the need for dual wiring. Since both the phone and the computer can share the same network connection, only one cable is required at each desk or station. This minimizes infrastructure cost when implementing a VoIP solution. Older digital phones require their own wiring to a telephony backplane. This usually involved "punching down" on an old-style 66 block or 110 block to provide connectivity to the phone system. IP phones can be plugged into the cat 5 patch panel just like a computer. Additionally, having a POE enabled data switch negates the need to have external power supplies to power the phones. POE, or power over Ethernet provides both power and network connectivity to the phones. VoIP technology has many advantages for large and small businesses alike. However without proper implementation and configuration VoIP technology can suffer from poor audio quality and overall poor performance. This is why it is important to review your current overall infrastructure configuration and capacity prior to implementation. If this important step is left out, your experience with voice over IP technology won't be as successful as you hoped. As a self proclaimed expert on all the newest technology with respect to telecommunications, I have posted many more articles at: []. I have also found this to be a wonderful resource for those in the market for a new Business Phone System. To read more on this subject or to find a local company to assist you with your Business Systems needs, I suggest you check out another one of my articles at: [] Article Source:

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