4 Artis yang Meninggal Dunia pada 2017, Nomor 2 Kisah Hidupnya Sungguh Memilukan (Bag. 1)

4 Artis yang Meninggal Dunia pada 2017, Nomor 2 Kisah Hidupnya Sungguh Memilukan (Bag. 1)
Julia Perez, Laila Sari, Renita Sukardi, dan Yana Zein

SRIPOKU.COM -- Tahun 2017 memang sudah lama berlalu dan tentunya setiap orang memiliki pengalaman dan

kesannya sendiri mengenai tahun tersebut.

Ada suka, ada duka, ada kebahagiaan, ada pula kesedihan yang dirasakan selama tahun 2017.

Setiap hal pun memiliki pasang surutnya masing-masing selama tahn ini.

Baik itu hal yang berhubungan dengan perekonomian, kesehatan, dan tak terkecuali dunia hiburan alias dunia entertainment.

Sayangnya jika berbicara tentang dunia hiburan, tahun 2017 juga diisi dengan beberapa kabar duka tentang meninggalnya beberapa selebriti terkenal, baik itu yang berasal dari dalam negeri maupun mancanegara.

Siapa saja selebriti yang kepergiannya membuat publik sedih pada tahun 2017 yang lalu ?

Berikut daftar selebriti yang meninggal dunia pada 2017 yang berhasil dirangkum Sripoku.com dari berbagai sumber :

1. Julia Perez
Julia Perez.
Julia Perez. (Tribunnews/Jeprima)

Kabar meninggalnya mantan istri dari Damian Perez ini seketika langsung menghentak publik tanah air.

Dilansir dari Tribunnews, pada Sabtu, 10 Juni 2017, Julia Perez meninggal dunia di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta.

Jupe, sapaan akrabnya, menghembuskan napas terakhirnya setelah berjuang cukup lama melawan penyakit kanker leher rahim yang menggerogoti tubuhnya.

Kepergiaan Jupe membawa duka mendalam, tak hanya bagi keluarga, tapi bagi teman-teman serta para fans yang menyayangi Jupe.

What's it going to be like in the winter? Have you got a plan for your painting business? What do you do when things get slow? Do you become Reactive or Proactive? By Reactive I mean, when you get a job to bid, do you react by dropping your price? Or are you Proactive, meaning you go out and round up some leads? I prefer being proactive. Here is something you can do immediately, with little cost and a little effort. When we are painting in an area I go around the immediate neighborhood and hang door hangers on door knobs. I walk around the neighborhood, and talk to people; I see who is having other work done and get my name out there. I know a painter that goes around the neighborhood on rollerblades. Talking to people, as he goes, and getting people interested. You know they talk about that painter on rollerblades. I am not as dramatic as he is, but you got to admire his spirit. When I walk, it takes a couple hours for about 100 hangers; of course it depends on the housing in the area. Door hanger stock is something that printers can choose from a catalog. They make them in different lengths and colors. I picked amber because it shows against a white garage door. I had my printer make up 500, they say, "Hello, We are currently painting your neighbor's house and it looks great! at ____________.(blank)." My company name and phone and then I say Interior/Exterior, with my logo. You can either write the address of the job or print it on your printer. Once you set it up on the printer, just save it and you can put any address there when you need to. And one good thing is that they are not just junk mail, oh sure they get thrown out just like other piece, but they are an odd size, the client has to actively remove them, which is easy, so it is not a pain. The best part is like the other day, when it was so nice out; I talked to 6 people, some just to say hello, but 3 of them I talked to for a few minutes each. It is pleasant and you get to introduce your company. So get yourself some hangers, and take a break one day and take a walk around. You never know what might come up!

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