Dibongkar Gus Nur, Orang-orang Inilah yang Ketakutan Jika Ustaz Abdul Somad Maju Jadi Cawapres

Dibongkar Gus Nur, Orang-orang Inilah yang Ketakutan Jika Ustaz Abdul Somad Maju Jadi Cawapres
Gus Nur dan Ustaz Abdul Somad

Terdengar mulia. Serentak membuahkan anggukan.

Sungguh target Horgronje bukan itu. Melainkan sesungguhnya ia memiliki visi menjauhkan masyarakat dari masjid, karena orang-orang jadi takut ke masjid , terutama para pemudanya. Horgronje tahu benar, masjid dan para pengunjungnya adalah kekuatan yang membahayakan bagi rejim kolonial saat itu.

Seruan banyak pihak agar UAS berdakwah saja dan jangan bermain politik seakan terdengar seperti seruan membuai Horgronje saat itu

Di saat yang begitu krusial sekarang ini, marilah kita berdoa semoga sang suluh selama ini berkenan berubah menjadi mentari.

Setetes embun di sahara bersedia menjelma jadi telaga mata air yang menyejukkan bagi bumi

Marilah kita berbondong-bondong meyakinkan @ustadzabdulsomad bahwa dirinya diperlukan oleh bangsa, tidak hanya sebagai guru, namun pemimpin bangsa.

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After disappearing from the act for more than three years, John Chen is now back with his latest version of forex trading tool known as Trend Forex 2.0 software. His first tool, the Trend Forex System is still widely being used by traders because it helps them to pull in millions of dollar in pure profit. According to John, the biggest myth in forex trading is that you need to forecast or predict the future of the currency markets in order to make money. This is definitely far from the truth and by following this belief system will only lead to a total disaster. The fact is by trying to predict the future will only lead to unnecessary frustration and failure. You just can't simply keep on doing and most importantly relying on this method. John found out that there are only two things that you need to do in order to be successful in forex. First, identify the trend and second, join in the trend with the precise timing. Trend Forex 2.0 software is exactly doing these tho things. John Chen is a forex trader based in Singapore and he has always been well known for creating high quality Forex training course. His previous version of Trend Forex System was sold out in just couple of days after the launch. John also provides one to one coaching to help his clients in forex trading, however, it is only available in Singapore. Now the Trend Forex 2.0 software and system is not much different from what he is doing offline, with members getting access to his highly profitable trade indicators and media training materials like videos and PDF guides. Not getting the results from your Forex Trading activity? Click Trend Forex 2.0 Software to find out how it can bring your profitability to the next level. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joel_Marion_Smith/332837 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2462541

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