Dibongkar Gus Nur, Orang-orang Inilah yang Ketakutan Jika Ustaz Abdul Somad Maju Jadi Cawapres

Dibongkar Gus Nur, Orang-orang Inilah yang Ketakutan Jika Ustaz Abdul Somad Maju Jadi Cawapres
Gus Nur dan Ustaz Abdul Somad

Seperti putri Amien Rais, Hanum Rais yang meminta kepada semua pihak untuk meyakinkan Ustaz Abdul Somad (UAS) untuk mau maju.

Ustaz Abdul Somad dan Hanum Rais
Ustaz Abdul Somad dan Hanum Rais (kolase/net)

Bahkan Hanum pun menuliskan hal tersebut lewat akun instagramnya.

@hanumrais: "'Sebaiknya ustadz Abdul Somad tetap berdakwah saja. Menjadi suluh dalam gelapnya ruangan. Menjadi setetes embun dalam sahara. Kita memerlukan itu.'
Nasehat demikian memang terdengar indah elegan dan mulia. Saya pun mengiyakan.

Namun kemudian, saya teringat Snouck Horgrounje seorang Belanda di jaman Hindia Belanda yg belajar agama Islam dan kemudian dikenal sebagai mata-mata kolonial.

Ia pernah menasehati para ulama, masy adat Aceh saat itu, untuk meningkatkan ketakwaan umat serta selalu mengingatkan umat pada kematian, masjid-masjid perlu didirikan dekat makam.

                                 Halaman Selanjutnya

Profitable Trend Forex System was created by veteran trader John Chen, and is a serious competitor in terms of forex trading systems. There is a lot of material on the web detailing which are the most successful currency trading systems. One thing every currency trader will agree with is that you definitely need some form of system to be able to trade profitably and consistently on the marketplace. Never Have A Single Losing Month This is essentially a far-fetched dream for the majority of forex traders, but not so for John Chen. Many would scoff at this statistic and want to see the proof of such a claim, which is fair enough. The system itself is incredibly complex, but there are most certainly some fundamentals which can be applied to any currency trading system. There are 3 core elements at the core of Profitable Trend Forex System these are: favoring the medium term trade, identifying the trend and joining the trend with precise timing. Favoring The Medium Term Trade It has been proven statistically that if you want to generate consistent profits on the forex market, it is advisable to favour the medium term trade. As Justin Kuepper, a contributor to Investopedia.com, suggests favoring a medium term trade will "help you save money and ultimately become a profitable retail forex trader". Identifying The Trend Most forex trading systems are good at identifying trends once they have started, but to actually identify a trend as it is starting is another thing altogether. Imagine the profit potential if you could literally see a trend emerging. This is a sophisticated and intelligent element every currency trader needs to understand. Acting Upon The Trend With Precise Timing It is all good and well to see a trend emerging on the forex market, but to also know when exactly to act upon it for profit potential, well, that would almost be unfair. And it is. Imagine being told exactly when to invest, and when to pull out. This is essentially forex automation at its most brilliant best. If you find a system such as Profitable Trend Forex, that will provide such detailed information, you will be well on your way to big profits. Conclusion If you want to take the risk out of forex trading, and finally realize some serious profits, you are going to need some sort of forex trading system. The key to this system is the ability to interpret information, and base decisions on the likelihood for success and ultimately profit. Want to learn more about Profitable Trend Forex System, the amazing breakthrough forex system which will help skyrocket your trading profits today? Please Visit: http://www.forextradingsoftwarereview.com/Profitable_Trend_Forex_System.html Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_C_Johnson/76142 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/859861

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